‘I feel the urge to take away your pain’

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Casa del Mar Beach Resort & Timeshare offers you paradise: an oceanfront location on the white, sandy Eagle Beach, the amazing blue-green colored Caribbean ocean, wonderful luxury oceanfront or poolside timesharing suites and a world of amenities like restaurants, swimming pool, gym, and a spa. Actually here comes the exceptional part. This is not your random spa; Clinical Massage & Spa Aruba is a healing place, owned by a professional with an extensive Eastern technique curriculum and an extraordinary skill for healing pain. Meet Florian Gosset alias Flo.

The focus of a clinical massage is the functional outcome whereas with a standard massage it is the satisfaction of the client at the moment. “Clinical massage is so powerful. I work on post traumatic patterns, the connection between brain and muscle and I can actually trace the pain. I work closely with doctors and chiropractors and my goal is to take away the pain where it comes from. That’s why we call it pain management. I treat people with headaches, back pains and other serious issues that influence their lives on a structural base,” Flo explains. He built a strong name on the island; both resort guests and locals are long-term clients.

Balance & Binding
“I am the only one doing the clinical massage, but I have a great team of eight therapists performing sport massages and relaxing massages. We also offer the service of body treatments, facials, hair & nail and waxing.

I have a new, super-talented hair specialist in-house now!” He loves his place at the Casa del Mar because here you find that family spirit. “Every work I did was bound to family-vibes. I like that. This resort is 35 years old. The family comes here with the dad of 80, the son of 50 and the granddaughter of 20 – three generations connected. That to me is happiness. It feels good.” You give your energy to people in a massage, so it has to be good, he says. You need to be balanced inside and that is his golden rule when it comes to work. “We are no robots doing massages hour after hour. I need to be energized to give the same to each client and that is how we work. To give the best and stay focused.” Clinical Massage chooses to bind with nature meaning therapists use fire, Aruban aloe eucalyptus and other organic elements. Their slogan “We are a beautiful energy that transforms lives” says it all.

Flo’s Journey
He has that thing in his fingers; he is overly sensitive in that part and was taught by blind doctors in China to see inside not with the eyes but with the fingers.

“25 years ago, I was in the sports business in France, on a high level in kick boxing as part of the French team. I had a lot of massages already and I started to practice this myself with people around me like my mom and all told me that I have amazing hands.” At that time massage was not really that much of a job like now, so he stayed in the sport business and put massages on the side. “I managed a fitness center, was a fighter and one day around the age of 29, I wondered about my future. I have Mongolian blood so I thought about a trip to Asia where I went into massage training for a year in Thailand.” He learned the whole charade of Thai massage and after traveled around ending up living in Hoi Minh City in Vietnam for five years where he owned a spa and windsurfing school. “I was happy but I did not make any money. One day a friend of mine said that I could go to China to work in a hospital with blind doctors at Beijing. I was amazed and it was a big culture shock as I did not speak Chinese.

There was this big room with ten beds and all doctors were chiropractors and they performed Chinese massages. Only one doctor could see, they use all their other senses. They do massages to feel and trace the problems and taught me like eight hours a day for ten days long on only one technique. The doctor sees me bending over the client and asks me: what are you doing? Do you see me looking? Don’t look but feel. You cannot see inside, you can only feel inside. It was a complete eye opener.” Flo deepened his knowledge further in Asia as well as the U.S. and ended up in Aruba through a good friend. “I like the energy here, the sun, the multicultural and the smiling faces.”q