A set of pictures from our favorite photographer, Steve Francees

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Aruban born and bred Steve Francees has a passion for photography. Being a local photographer he knows the hidden gems of this island and captures them in an amazing way. As a Family and Landscape photographer Steve is ready to create your next ‘vacation memories’, morning and/or sunset shots. T: (297) 738-0777, M: stevefrancees@hotmail.com,

www.instagram.com/stevefrancees and www.stevefrancees.com

Palm Beach

Did you know that palm trees have a life span of 75 to 100 years and there are 2600 species of palm trees? Some species can grow till 70 meters high too. The first hotel in this area was the Hotel Basi-Ruti, a bungalows style hotel. The location of this hotel is now where RIU is. Just like Eagle Beach this area has also white beaches and is home to many big chain resorts.

Local Fishing boat

Living on an island gives you many opportunities to learn fishing and sure this is my hobby too. This style of fishing boats are very common here in the Caribbean and in Aruba. This little fishing boat can withstand strong wind and waves that will leave you with an open mouth and the experienced fisherman know how to navigate thru any currency to reach the best fishing spots and back. I took this photo at Rodgers Beach on the right site where all fishing boats anchor.

Mangroves at Mangel Halto

Basically Mangel Halto has two type of beaches. On the west it’s rocky with white sand and also there is a pier where you can do a nice dive jump into the light blue water. The other side is totally different and is covered by mangroves that give a lot of shade and the water is not deep but if you go more into the sea you will find an amazing underwater world just perfect for snorkeling. This drone photo is from the mangrove site of Mangel Halto.

Fun Family vacation memories

I still remember like it was yesterday about all our family vacations and just thinking about them gives me a sense of joy again. Vacation memories will last forever and there are some poses that will bring back sweet memories in the future. Kids love fun shots and with some creativity you can have amazing family photos. Marcel is a Major and Bruca is a Captain both serving in the military and sure Eloy will follow their steps. An amazing photo shoot with this family.