The most romantic natural Pool in Aruba

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The most romantic natural Pool in Aruba

This romantic natural pool is very unique and sure my preferred one. The shape is round and been nicely carved into the lava and coral stones. At the front side of the pool is a majestic peace of art of a giant fossilized coral. It can fit easily about 4 people and the water is like 18 inches deep so you will be fully under water. The area is on your left hand on the dirt road to the Natural Bridge.

Aruba’s metamorphose

In the 18th century gold, Aloe and phosphate were very important next to fishing and farming. In the beginning of the 19th century many locals migrated to Cuba and Venezuela to work in the sugarcane industry. When LAGO transport and then Refinery started in 1924 our economy got the needed push and that was so for many years. The refinery employed almost 10.000 and many came to work and live here in Aruba. Tourism started in the late 40’s and kept growing till today that we don’t have any tourist left on my island. But I know that all we have learned over the last 100 years will get us back on track and with the Lord’s Blessing we will stand up back again.

My most liked frequent question.

I like when I get questions like how to take better photos or when they analyze one of my photos. Well the first and most powerful trick in photography is to change your angle to get a different perspective. Don’t shoot on the same eye level as all the others so. In this photo I lowered the camera so I can get another perspective and that give the extra touch to a photo. Same spot but with different angle will enhanced your photo.

This happened yesterday.

My wife went running outside to take a shot of the sun halo and it was just amazing. The ring is caused by sunlight passing through ice crystals in cirrus clouds within the Earth’s atmosphere and this happened earlier this year in January I think. Pretty amazing and this is my shot from yesterday.