Watch ‘Ask Pilar’: our videos show you the other Aruba

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Aruba Today offers a series of videos ‘Ask Pilar’ on their Facebook page Aruba Today and on the website Since the start, October 2019, more than 20 videos have been created. Let us introduce to you this project and present the people behind it.

Why a video? Besides offering our free daily newspaper, posts on Facebook and Instagram and our website content, we started evaluating the plans for short video’s about a year ago. The concept was created by Editor-in-Chief Linda Reijnders to add variety to the product Aruba Today. “There is more to this island than palm trees and beaches and in our videos we wish to inform and educate the visitor by showing local places and characters of any kind. We are all new to this, the goal is not to deliver a technical perfect result, more to motivate our visitors with the places we visit as well as transmitting the good energy coming from it.” As the title of the video ‘Ask Pilar’ already shows, the viewer has the opportunity to actually ask about the topics shown, or even suggest a location for a video. Just ask our host Pilar on Facebook and we will let you know.

The team

Pilar Flores, 35- years- old, is the jolly host of ‘Ask Pilar’. She loves doing the videos because she gets to know many interesting places and meet a lot of nice people. “I hope with it that people will get to know and love Aruba the way us locals do.”

The one capturing the images with his camera and editing them is our videographer Juan Luis Pinto Sotter, Marketing Major at the University of Aruba. “I chose marketing because I wanted a career that kept me physically and mentally active. As a marketer there is a lot of moving around, I can’t begin to imagine what the real world will be like.”

Video Director of ‘Ask Pilar’ is Linda Reijnders, Sales of Aruba Today. “I love working in the media, I love to write, create, connect, inform and educate. Working with young, talented and motivated people like Juan Luis and Pilar is a blessing to me. We really enjoy making these Aruba Peeks and we surely hope that rubs off on the viewer.”

Corona Street Talk

During the pandemic a new series of videos was launched, dedicated to the COVID-19 crisis where we show people in their daily life during the corona time. Take a look on the website and social media for this new series called Corona Street Talk.

Check us out on Facebook Aruba Today or the website and do not forget to like and share! Thank you for your support.