The lecture held by the Department of Elderly Affairs was a success

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On Wednesday, November 2, 2022, the Department of Elderly Affairs, the Central Bureau for Statistics (CBS), and the Ministry of the Elderly held a lecture about dementia and chronic diseases in Aruba at the Centro di Bario Playa Pabao.

The panel of experts consisted of Mrs. Desiree Helder of the CBS, Mrs. Kimberly Hoo of TrinityQuality Care Services, and Mrs. Lisette Does of Stichting Cas Marie.

These symposiums were held during the entire month of the elderly to raise awareness and encourage active participation in various relevant topics for the elderly, like the financial situation of the elderly, women, and the need for care.

During the Q&A session, the attendees posted questions, and shared their concerns and experiences as elderly. For those who could not attend these sessions, the videos have been uploaded and are available on the Facebook page of the Department of Elderly Affairs.

Minister Ursell Arends of the Elderly Affairs is satisfied with the interest and participation of the elderly at each of these sessions, where they brought forward some valid issues that contribute to new policies for the elderly.

The Minister thanked the panelists, moderator Edward Erasmus, Neighborhood Centers, Foundations, and Neighborhood groups who collaborated and opened their doors for activities during the month of the elderly.