The Government of Aruba and the Dutch Marines signs agreement

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SAVANETA — The Government of Aruba and De Commandant der Zeemacht in het CaribischGebied (CZMCARIB)-Commander of the Naval Forces of the Royal Netherlands Navy in the Caribbean- signed a mutual agreement to guarantee the continuity of the Sociale Vormings Traject (SVT) project.

 The Social Vormings Traject (SVT) is a project that gives a second chance to youngsters with social problems. It started as a project financed by the Netherlands for 3 years. Afterwards this project was extended until August 2017.  The SVT focused mostly on gang members and dropouts. Nowadays, it also gives opportunities to people between the ages of 18-24 that didn’t complete school to be able to get vocational training. The project gives them training and the necessary work experience, and at the end they receive a diploma which will be the key to a better future.

The project consists of 2 phases. The first phase is a 4 month military training for the ARUMIL. Here the youngsters are taught norms, values, discipline and respect. After finishing this 4 month training, the youngsters will continue with the second phase that is the vocational training. Here the trainee will receive study in different areas, and afterward will choose which area of interest best suits them. After completing the training successfully, the youngsters will be able to work in their field of study.

The Government of Aruba and the CZMCARIB are reliable partners and will do the utmost to provide guidance and support to this project, which gives the youngsters a new chance in life and a better future. The agreement signed states clearly the obligations and what the tasks and roles between the government of Aruba and the CZMCARIB are.

The next SVT training at the Dutch Marine will start on April 2nd 2019, with a maximum of 30 people. Preparations are already undergoing to welcome the next group. For more information check out the facebook page Formacion Social-SVT, or send an email to or call the Dutch Marine Base in Savaneta at 5225352.