Reginald de Palm participates in the group’ exposition Primary Colors

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The National Library of Aruba informs that Reginald (Quake) de Palm also participates in the group exposition at the library titled: Primary Colors.

The group presents an art collection in yellow, with 18 artists and artisans participating in this exposition.

Reginald (Quake) de Palm, visual artist, and author, is known for his stories, adult poetry, paintings, and murals. He published three books, one titled Rendezvous: In San Nicolas and two poems collections: ‘Kita paña fo’i cabuya’ and ‘Mi tin dos: buki di poesia’. His books are part of the library collection.

Reginald (legal expert as profession) likes to express himself in music, writing, and painting since a very young age. He is in Aruba for a few days and participates in the group exposition. He was born in Aruba, and his parents are from Bonaire and Curacao. He lived on all three islands.

His exposition is open to the public on Friday, October 7, 2022.