Prime minister of Aruba met German ambassador dr. Cyrill Jean Nunn

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Prime minister of Aruba, Mrs. Evelyn Wever-Croes Monday morning had a meeting with German ambassador stationed in The Hague, the Netherlands, dr. Cyrill Jean nunn. This is the first time that Mr. Nunn is visiting Aruba.

Aruba falls under the management of the German embassy in The Hague. Accompanying Mr. Nunn was the honorary consul of Germany in Aruba, Mrs. Landa Cohen Henriquez-Jansen, and Mrs. Ghislaine Nicolas of the Directorate of Foreign Relations (DBB).

During the meeting, the prime minister informed Mr. Nunn about the situation of Aruba and its recovery after various crisis and their effect in the past years. Mr. Nunn expressed interest in knowing in which areas Aruba has the most need for assistance, so that he can help attract more German investors and tourists for Aruba. Some agreements were reached for this.

Mr. Nunn was very impressed by the way in which Aruba is recovering as well as the desire and determination of Aruba to improve every day, and especially to come out of the pandemic better than we were before the pandemic.

“It was a good meeting which will tighten the bonds with other European countries to fortify our economy”, Wever-Croes expressed.

Meeting with minister of Tourism and Public Health

Aruban minister of Tourism and Public Health, Mr. Dangui Oduber received Mr. Nunn in a friendly encounter during which they discussed topics of common interest in the area of tourism and public health. Mrs. Henriquez-Jansen was also present at the meeting.

Minister Oduber shared the experience of how innovation and technology – through the Aruba Health App – helped Aruba deal with the Covid-19 pandemic. The minister also explained how Aruba dealt with tourism after the Covid-19 pandemic using innovation as a solution, where passengers could present their personal heatlh data to airlines, hotels and all partners in the hospitality industry in a private and safe way.

The minister also discussed topics related to tourism. Aruba has a lot of interest in continuing the diversification of tourism and explore the German market. The idea is to try to bring an airline from Germany, as was the case with British Airways.

E mandatario a papia riba temanan di turismo. Aruba tin hopi interes pa sigui diversifica

The topic of medical care was also discussed. Minister Oduber finds it important to create good international cooperation with new partners and fortify existing ones. Germany is very advanced in this area, and the minister believes in the importance of innovation in health care and the way advanced technology can help improve the quality of care.