Pilot project of the Aruba Tourism Authority: First group of the Aruba Quality Seal (AQS) is certified

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Aruba Tourism Authority (A.T.A.) acknowledges the necessity of always being a step ahead in order for Aruba to remain competitive in the international market. Therefore A.T.A. took the initiative to start a certification program for local businesses.

What is Aruba Quality Seal- AQS?.
The Aruba Quality Seal program is designed to promote and measure the quality of the product and service provided by local businesses with the purpose for them to surpass their expectations to their consumers. A.T.A. trusts that AQS will be a tool for development and help to improve the level of professionalism and standards in our tourism industry. QESH Services, a local certified business, established on the island for over 25 years, was in charge of this pilot project and also served as an advisor to guarantee an integral and productive project.

During the investigative and collective phase of this program a total of 12 international programs were evaluated. Different dialogs with experts and potential participants took place in order to develop a list of criteria which are applicable to the Aruba Quality Seal. This criteria will be used to check the different businesses.

During the pilot phase, which had a duration of 10 months, a total of 14 companies in the sectors of retail, restaurants and activities participated. More sectors will be added in the future. The Aruba Quality Seal program consist of an online/digital platform in order to facilitate the process which makes it easier to register, participate and receive guidance.


What are the benefits of such program for a business?.
Some of the benefits for businesses which successfully completed this certification is that consumers will be more satisfied with the service they will receive and they will have more trust in the business since they are operating according to certain standards and compliances. Businesses may also experience an increase in their income and more stability and the employees moral will increase.

An international program of this style is normally very expensive but A.T.A. made it possible to subsidize the majority of this program. Besides maintaining the cost low for the businesses they also offer incentives and discounts to participating companies. AQS will promote these certified companies on different platforms in order to add more value to the program. These are just a few of the benefits when taking part in the Aruba Quality Seal program.

Certified businesses of the pilot project.
During a special ceremony of this pilot project different companies received their certification.

Certified restaurants: Que Pasa – Gianni’s & Azia – Westdeck – One Happy Bowl

Certified shops: Cosecha – Aruba Aloe – Maggy’s Store – Rage Silver

Certified Tour Operators: Clear Kayak – Red Sail Sport – Fofoti – Kinikini – Balashi Brewery Tour

“Additional to the Aruba Quality Seal the Aruba Tourism Authority as ‘Destination Marketing and Management Organization’ of Aruba is proud to also count with two programs directed to increase the level of service which are the Happy Information Officers (HIO) and the Aruba Certification Program (ACP), both resembling under the Aruba Excellence Foundation. These are all instruments that contribute to a qualitative experience of our destination”, says Ronella Tjin Asjoe-Croes, CEO of A.T.A..

A.T.A. would like to thank everyone who made this program possible and also would like to encourage local companies to join in this program that focuses on the quality, dedication and service offered to your customers. More information on this program can be found at www.aqs.aw.q