Plastic ban: the law has passed

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The island’s government made a decision in 2017 to ban all single use plastic bags and has now extended it to include items as plastic cups and straws and Styrofoam boxes, such as disposable coolers. Also, sunscreens containing oxybenzone is to be prohibited in Aruba. The ban is effective in 2019, with a one-year transition period to a total ban in 2020. The Plastic Ban Ordinance will go into effect as of July 1st 2020, together with the list of products that are prohibited.


The ordinance:

The government of Aruba together with Entities of the private sector of Aruba



  • The increased environmental challenges the world is facing as well as Aruba;
  • The UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s), especially SDG’s 12,13,14 and 15,

focused on the importance of responsible consumption, safeguarding of oceans and terrestrials areas as well as climate action;

  • The importance of the protection of Aruba’s coral reefs and marine life, greatly under

pressure due to increased human activity;

  • The importance of sustainable business practices in order to safeguard Aruba’s economy,

environment and the well-being of its citizens;

  • The leadership role the private sector of Aruba has taken regarding the sector’s contribution towards combating plastic pollution and the degradation of Aruba’s natural resources;
  • The importance of cross-sector collaboration for solving societal and environmental matters;
  • The government’s ambition to fortify and instill a sense of pride, love and ownership within

all individuals that live or visit Aruba and to further evoke the realization that there is only one Aruba


To endorse the law banning the use of singe use plastics and Oxybenzone (Landsverordening verbod op voor het milieu schadelijke producten) and to stimulate constructive and continuous dialogue as well as awareness regarding sustainable business practices.

GOA & Private Sector endorsement 

This endorsement does not, nor is it intended to, create any binding, legal obligations under domestic or international law Signed in Aruba on 27 November 2019.

What type of products are prohibited? 

  • Single use plastic bags with any type of handle;
  • Single use plastic bags in supermarkets to pack fruit and vegetables;
  • Single use plastic cutlery;
  • Single use plastic/styrofoam cups; Single use plastic stirrers; Single use plastic straws;
  • Single use plastic/styrofoam plates;
  • Single use plastic/styrofoam containers used for immediate consumption like fast food containers;
  • Suntan lotion/cream with Oxybenzone;
  • Biodegradable products not mentioned in the list of exempted products.

What type of single use products exempt until further notice? 

  • Single use plastic straw for medical use;
  • Single use plastic/styrofoam recipient for cold cuts and raw meats;
  • Saran wrap; Plastic lids (non plastic/styrofoam/biodegradable) on allowed containers/cups; Plastic food packages used for prepackaging products by local food manufactures for whole sale, their products fall under the exemption in ‘deel A & B – indicated as “drankverpakkingen, borden en zakjes en wikkels die voedingsmiddelen bevatten”;

What is the scope of the prohibition? 

  • Import of the prohibited products;
  • Manufacturing of the prohibited products;
  • Sale of the prohibited products;
  • To offer of the prohibited products;