Loyal guests at Divi Village Golf & Beach Resort: “It is sophisticated here and the people are so accommodating”

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Divi Village Golf & Beach Resort Aruba is the home away from home for 13 years already to Pauline and Vernon Conway OF Scarborough, England. “We feel part of the Divi family. In some places you are just a guest, here you are so much more. The staff is just the greatest and the management very approachable. It is all about 100 % commitment and dedication here.” The couple love Aruba for so many reasons but the safety and genuine character of its people make the difference. They have been coming to the island every year since 2006.

“Anna, Maureen, Dominique ….. They are all wonderful people working here at Divi and creating a personal connection to us. It makes us feel homely and appreciated,” says Pauline. The Divi Village Golf & Beach Resort is where they fell in love with and stay every year. Vernon: “It’s on the beach, the whole set-up is just marvelous and it does not have that rush like in the high-rise. When you get to our age you want to relax and unwind. We do not want to queue to reserve a palapa. Here there is no worries about that.” The lovely British couple like the fact that the site is spread out and offers variety. “It is called Village for a reason because that is how it feels. Casino, supermarket, restaurant, golf, the beach … everything is here. And they have got this mini shuttles with great guys that drive you from A to B.” According to Vernon the X-factor starts with the staff and management. “At the management cocktail the entire management team is present which does not happen everywhere, believe me. It shows their dedication and engagement. They know where their bread is buttered and do not hide in their offices.” First impressions are lasting, no matter what business you are in or wherever you go, they say.

Take it up a notch.
Pauline and Vernon started visiting Aruba in 2006. “We purchased time share in the UK and Aruba kept on popping up on the site. We thought what is this Aruba? Where is that? We have been around the Caribbean a lot to the Bahamas, St Maarten, Dominican Republic, and Jamaica…. But here they take it up a notch. Vernon: “We like to walk around and discover the place. You can’t do that in many places, we have been to numerous places in the Caribbean and they warn you not to walk outside of the resort premises. Also Aruba is sophisticated, it has class. I’ve got to the age that I like sophisticated, this place is a lot of notches up the ladder.” Pauline adds to that the accommodating experiences they got. “Once we needed a dentist for my husband urgently and they made it happen within one day. That is just fantastic, try that in England.”

The couple used to come twice a year but air fares have doubled in prices which made them decide to come once a year for a longer stay. “We fly with KLM which is fantastic. We feel that the fact that Aruba is part of the Dutch Kingdom does count for the better safety and higher level when compared to other Caribbean destinations.” The safety, friendliness of the people, wonderful beaches, warm climate and the high level of service make that they consider Aruba as our home away from home. “We feel the warmth and that comes not only from the sun.”

Divi Village Golf & Beach Resort

J. E. Irausquin Blvd 93, Oranjestad

Telephone +297 583 5000

Divi Village Golf & Beach Resort, Aruba
