Focus remains on our beaches, our people and hospitality, as well as security: Aruba Tourism Authority continues investing in enhancing and developing Aruba’s product

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As part of ATA’s duty to market and manage Aruba as a touristic destination, there are different projects in which ATA invests. These are projects both to enhance the product as well as projects to develop the product.

These projects are aligned with the national policy for tourism. It can be said that 90 percent of ATA’s spending goes to marketing, and from this, between five to ten percent goes to our touristic product, with the rest going for international marketing.

There are three main focus areas as part of these projects, which are our beaches, our people and hospitality, as well as security. Attention is given to other aspects, like protection of nature, culture and innovation. But the main three areas are the foundation of tourism in Aruba.

Our Beaches

One of the projects that are taking place currently are the renovation and enhancing of the platforms and towers at Palm Beach. This is not an isolated project, seeing that for many years already, investment is made in the area. For example, the study that was carried out to measure the quality of water in Palm Beach, as well as placing buoys in order to mark the area designated for swimming. In 2023 the buoys project will continue also in order to mark the buffer zone for motorized traffic on the water.

Our people and hospitality

Focus will continue on preparation and knowledge of our people, through among others, the Aruba Certification Program, the Aruba Quality Seal, as well as the Aruba Signature Experience. These projects are beneficial for our tourism industry, but also for our island in general, since they help to improve the experience of our visitors, and this surely elevates the satisfaction with our destination.

Another extremely important aspect in which investment is made is security. Aruba is known as one of the safest destinations in the Caribbean, and this is one of the top three reasons why tourists visit our island. This safety is important for tourism but also for the quality of life of our community, so focus continues on this area in 2023 as well.

Here it is worth noting that since 2011, when ATA became Sui Generis, support is given to Aruba Hospitality and Security Foundation. In this foundation there are members of ATA, KPA (Police Forse of Aruba), AHATA (Aruba Hotel & Tourism Association), ATIA (Aruba Trade & Industry Association) and some professionals in the area of security in the hotel sector. Through this foundation, focus is placed on safety in the touristic zone. Investments were made in equipment for the police, including the Strandpolitie (police on the beach), regular training, advice of an international security organization, and more. For 2023, funds were allocated to reintroduce a Visibility Team in order to ensure better security, visibility and presence of members of security in the touristic areas.

Each of the projects financed by ATA are important, because they contribute to elevate the touristic product that at this time is our main economic pillar, and provides a living for us all.