Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA): Creatively engaging youth in nature education through the first Dutch Caribbean Big Live Nature Quiz

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Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA), a regional network of protected areas set up to assist the Protected Area Management Organizations of the six islands, announces the upcoming first Big Live Nature Quiz on 25 November at 4:00 p.m. -5:30 p.m. for all kids in the age range of 11-14 years old. It is online, free, fun, and all about our Dutch Caribbean nature. In 2020, our expectations of nature education have changed drastically as teaching strategies have switched to using digital tools. This quiz will launch a new form of engaging our islands’ youth through technology and bring awareness of conservation of our protected areas.

To support nature education in the Dutch Caribbean Protected Area Management Organizations, there has been development in different forms of supporting those who work in nature education such as connecting the nature education officers on platforms and sharing knowledge. Another form of support is developing fun interactive nature education materials to share with the Junior Rangers and likeminded youth on the islands.

The yearly Junior Ranger Exchange Event, bringing youth of the six Dutch Caribbean islands together on one island to learn about each other’s nature, unfortunately was cancelled this year due to the corona crisis. However, to counteract the circumstances of this year with positivity, the online Big Live Nature Quiz was created to enhance the support for nature education officers as well as youth while staying safely on their respective islands.

“We are very excited to launch our first Big Live Nature Quiz and to continue our mission in supporting the protected area management organizations of the Dutch Caribbean through nature education. This event can be a game changer for teaching nature education on a larger platform and can be extremely fun for the participants!” said Dahlia Hassell, DCNA’s Projects Officer.

The live interactive quiz will be set up in different topics such as Flora and Fauna, Ecosystems, Climate Adaptation and Sustainability and questions about the National Parks of the Dutch Caribbean- managed by STINAPA Bonaire, CARMABI on Curaçao, Aruba National Park Foundation, Saba Conservation Foundation, STENAPA on St Eustatius and Nature Foundation Sint Maarten.

Participants have the ability to win a snorkelling/sailing trip around the island with a group of 4 friends. We encourage parents and guardians to share this information with their kids so that they can have an opportunity to interact with other participants from the Dutch Caribbean, learn about nature, and have a good time with friends.

“Partcipating is already learning! It is not required to prepare or study for this interactive live quiz. However, if you want a higher chance of winning, you can learn more about the topics by visiting f.e. https://www.DCNAnature.org and the park management websites of the Dutch Caribbean. This live quiz is a great opportunity to learn more about nature not only on your own island but also about the other Caribbean islands in the Kingdom of the Netherlands…. And it is super fun!” Further explained Tineke van Bussel, DCNA’s Research Communication Liaison

The Big Live Nature Quiz will take place on Wednesday, November 25th at 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Kids living on Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, Statia and St Maarten, in the age range of 11 -14 years old are welcome to join. Quiz will be in English, with Dutch and Papiamentu subtitles. You can join alone or form a team with max 4 kids. All you need to participate is a connection to the internet, a computer, a phone and of course good mood!

For more information on participation of this event, check out DCNA’s Facebook Page or go to www.DCNAnature.org. Login on the date of the quiz on your computer or tablet for FREE at https://zoom.us/j/98965093325 . If you have any questions, you can send an email to www.research@DCNAnature.org or projects@DCNAnature.org or call us at +599-717-5010.q


Dutch subtitels: https://youtu.be/lIf7iHtVxC8

Papiamentu subtitles: https://youtu.be/yTtcDAydeao

English subtitles: https://youtu.be/Fbr2Aq5jNz4

** For interviews please contact your local nature conservation organization:

Aruba National Park Foundation- s.vanderwal@arubanationalpark.org, +297 585 1234 ext 228

STINAPA- Bonaire- nme@stinapa.org, tel: +599 717-8444

Carmabi-Curacao- media@carmabi.org, tel: +5999 5153858

Saba Consevation Foundation: rissa.rampersad@sabapark.org, tel:+599 416-3295

Stenapa- St. Eustatius- outreach@statiapark.org, tel:+599 318 2884

Nature Foundation Sint Maarten- education@naturefoundationsxm.org-, tel: (721) 544-4267

DCNA- Bonaire- research@DCNAnature.org, tel: +599 7175010

DCNA- Saba- projects@dcnanature.org, tel:+599 416-3295