Crisis measures by the Government of Aruba in connection with Coronavirus COVID-19

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The 4th case of a person tested positive has been confirmed, it is a tourist from the US. All four cases are import and there has been no local transmission. All those in contact with the confirmed patients have been contacted and screened/quarantined. At this moment (article written March 18, 5.44pm) we have 125 persons in quarantine. Tests are only performed when symptoms show.

In connection with the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, the Government of Aruba took the following crisis measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

  • All establishments, shops, restaurants and businesses must close at 8:00 pm
  • All public events are canceled till March 31, 2020. This entails all government activities and all private activities that received a police permit.
  • Residents that return to Aruba must self-quarantine for 2 weeks.
  • As per Tuesday, March 17, 2020, till March 31, 2020, the entry of travelers (inbound flights) will be restricted, except for legal residents and cargo. Contact number for residents of Aruba stuck abroad (because of the border closure): +297 569-6897.
  • Since March 14, 2020, the Queen Beatrix International Airport elevated its control on flights arriving from other countries that do not fall under the travel restriction. Check your airline whether their flight schedule changes or flights are suspended.
  • Schools are closed until March 31st. This measure applies to schools, daycare centers, and all organizations that are in charge of the education and care of our children.
  • Visits at nursing homes are prohibited.
  • Government departments will operate with minimal staffing
  • There will be no public church services and also added no funerals with more than 10 people


  • Wash your hands as frequently as possible with soap for 20 seconds or use hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Avoid physical contact, greet one another without shaking hands, hugging or kissing.
  • If you are sick, STAY home. For more information call the free number +297 280-0101.

For the latest updates you may contact the Facebook page of the Department of Health and/or check the website