AHATA Excellence in 2020 Awards recognize the highly motivated

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Each year, the Aruba Hotel & Tourism Association (AHATA) organizes the AHATA Excellence Awards with a dinner event to honor exceptional employees within the tourism industry. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the elaborate award evening cannot take place this year.

However, during a year where the tourism industry was devastated and needs a renewed commitment from one and all to rebuild, it is even more important to recognize the individuals that contributed extraordinarily during a crisis.

Many dedicated employees of Aruba’s tourism industry have continuously shown resilience, motivation, and productivity during the 2020 crisis and are contributing significantly to the recovery of Aruba’s tourism and economy. Consequently, AHATA is determined to recognize the extraordinary efforts of employees in the sector that are at the front line of the tourism industry recovery efforts. AHATA will be honoring these exemplary employees in the sector with the “AHATA Excellence in 2020 Awards”.

AHATA member companies had the opportunity to select one employee that stood out most during the crisis for their motivation, dedication, and productivity in the battle to overcome our economic crisis and lift the tourism industry back on its feet.

Honorees will be recognized individually between November 23rd and December 11th, 2020 by AHATA’s President and CEO Tisa LaSorte for their remarkable dedication in this challenging year and will receive a wonderful gift with the purpose to incentivize savings and help build financial reserves for a more secure future.

AHATA expresses gratitude to the Caribbean Mercantile Bank N.V. (CMB) for sponsoring this year’s award program and rewarding the employees at the front line of tourism recovery efforts.

Each honoree will be highlighted on AHATA’s social media pages during the upcoming weeks.