Ayo Rock Formation, Steve’s Birthday and more!

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Ayo Rock formation

I was reading some reviews online and someone ranked Ayo Rock formation #9 out of 18 things to do in Aruba and I think it’s true. The big rocks will stop your breath when you are in front of them. Many years ago we did a sleepover on top of the rocks and I can tell you that it was really fun. There are also Indians inscriptions at this park. Once you’re in the park you must take the right path and you will see them under a big rock. This park is just at the cross road when you are going to Andicuri Beach.

Yes, this week is my birthday

I’m very thankful and thank God I’m alive but still recovering from a serious car accident from a few weeks ago, still taking painkillers for back pain and must take it easy for a full recovery. Appreciate all the love, support and recovery soon wishes and hope to recover soon, yes.

Morning view of Baby Beach

Someone asked me about a month ago for the best times go visit Baby Beach. Early morning around 6:30AM – 8AM it’s very quiet with just a few couple taking beach walks.  Around 9AM – 10AM you will see some school kids taking swimming lessons (just a few days a week) but after 10:15AM the sun will be just perfect for a swim or tanning on the beach. So if you want fully bright sun I recommend after 10AM.

Rochella and Vishva

There is a very important gesture in photos and that’s the touching and this gesture will enhance your photos by ten times. This lovely couple is the perfect example so don’t leave Aruba without an intimate touching photo and sure all your family will love it.