“Masha Danki” to our loyal visitors

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Recently, Aruba Tourism Authority representative Marouska Heyliger had the great pleasure in honoring many loyal Aruba visitors with their distinctive certificates.

These certificates are a way to say “Masha Danki” for continuously choosing Aruba as their favorite vacation destination. The titles are as following: 10+ years   “Distinguished Visitor” and 20+ years “Goodwill Ambassador”.  

The honorees were:

-Tom and Randi Lorino from New York, coming to Aruba for 12 consecutive years.

-Paul and Lynn Yellen from Connecticut who have been coming to Aruba for 10 consecutive years.

-Patricia Millinghausen from New Jersey who has been returning to the island for 35 years and has been honored as a Goodwill Ambassador.

The honorees love coming to the island for its friendly people, beautiful weather and different culinary selection. q