With an elegant celebration and delicious lunch, Alhambra Casino recognized its distinguished crew members for 2022

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As every year, Alhambra Casino and Shops took the time to honor its distinguished crew members with a special celebration at the Alhambra Casino Ballroom, which included a delicious lunch and musical entertainment.

The event started with a lunch buffet consisting of delicious items to cater to every taste, including drinks and desserts. After the lunch the atmosphere was more energetic and cheerful and everyone was ready for the awards.

Susan Varnes, president and COO of Treasure Bay, LLC gave a speech in which she recognized the value of these distinguished crew members represent for the Alhambra family. She also talked about the challenges the team has faced and overcome, as well as plans for the future.

Throughout the event a family atmosphere reigned making the celebration all the merrier.

Jan ten Have, director of operations also gave an inspirational speech and helped hand out the awards.

First, the crew members who have a perfect attendance were recognized. Varnes pointed out that sometimes crew members cannot have a perfect attendance in a year due to circumstances outside their control, and that is regrettable. However, it is important to recognize the effort of those receiving the Perfect Attendance award because it allows the entire team to depend on them and for the entire operation of Alhambra Casino to run smoothly. 42 people received the Perfect Attendance award during the ceremony.

Recognized for their perfect attendance for 2022 were:

Sandra Adamus, Shirley Adamus, Ricardo Arends, Mayra Cole, Michaud Daal, Sandra Dirks, Jaysell Dirksz, Mirto Erasmus, Haydee Godoy, Jacqueline Goijla, Melinda Hassell, Richard Jacobs, Antonio Jermin, Omar Kelly, Raymond Kerpens, Javier Kock, Marina Kock, Alexander Krozendijk, Brunildo Kruythoff, Evan Levingston, Meliain Loefstop, Nelson Lozano, Carlos Maduro, Jason Maduro, Kelvin Maduro, Edward Mansell, Albert Neuman, Maurys Odor, Jairo Paesch, Kenia Perez, Junior Rafini, Sylvester Rasmijn, Julissa Rijke, Roberto Schwengle, Lubeychca Trott, Calverina Tromp, Rudolph Vorst, Theodor Werleman, Roberto Wever, Nereida Whitfield, Lucia Willems and Maruska Wouters.

This was followed by a celebration of anniversaries, which celebrated crew members with five or more years of service. Seventeen people received the Anniversary Award in different categories.

Five years: Rebecca Stennett, Louela Christiaans, Michaud Daal, Walter Brokke, Ricardo Janga, Armando Kelly, Janine Ridderstap, Noraysa Haddocks, Fatima Paesch and Kim Pom.
Ten years: Ricardo Arends and Magdaline Werleman.
Fifteen years: Vinetty Coello and Pedro Erasmus.
Thirty five years: Raymond Kerpens, Lelia Croes and Wilbert Maduro.

This closed yet another beautiful ceremony and celebration for the Alhambra Casino and Shops.