Visit to the Council of State

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On November 30, 2022, Prime Minister Evelyn Wever – Croes and the Finance Minister, Xiomara Maduro, visited the Council of State and met with the representative of Aruba in the Council of State, Mrs. Mildred Schwengle, and Mr. Richard van Zwol, member of the Council of State.

During this meeting, the Prime Minister and Finance Minister provided information about the steps Aruba is taking within the framework of financial recovery.

Aruba is currently in the recovery phase. Therefore the information needs to reach the Netherlands about what Aruba is doing in this regard. During the meeting with Mrs. Schwengle, they discussed various topics regarding the aim of their visit to the Netherlands and shared financial information about Aruba.

They also met with Mr. Richard van Zwol, an acquaintance of Aruba and a member of the Council of State, on the financial situation of Aruba. He commented that Aruba is taking essential steps to recover financially.