The Vacation Pharmacist: What a Pharmacist in Aruba can Represent for You

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PALM BEACH – Not so long ago Botica di Servicio’s pharmacy opened its doors at the Cove Mall, in the Palm Beach area. At a walking distance from the high-rise hotels, the pharmacy provides a pharmacist, on a daily basis. But what can that represent for you as a tourist?

Drs. Ate Mulder, senior managing pharmacist at Botica di Servicio explains: “It’s not unusual that prescriptions get forgotten, or that when already on the island people realize that they didn’t bring enough to last them the entire vacation. In that case, a local doctor would be able to write a prescription, in order for us to be able to provide the prescribed medications”.

There’s a patient’s file made for every client, which comes in extremely handy, especially for tourists that visit the island frequently. This is possible in any of the 5 Botica di Servicio locations around the island. Through the use of patients files, pharmacists and other staff member can easily access required information regarding a clients’ prescribed scripts and dosage’s. It is then the job of the pharmacist to control if new medications can be taken in conjunction with the current ones, and if the doctor is prescribing the right dosages.

Pharmacist Mulder further explains, “we have the largest variety of medications on Aruba. If we don’t have the specific brand of medication in stock, we have enough experienced pharmacists to be able to provide an alternative. We then look for a medication with the exact same composition and efficacy for our clients. Despite not having all medications continuously at all stores, we make sure they are ready for same-day pick up at the required location.

The biggest advantage for our American clients is in the price of the medications, which are considerably cheaper in price than in the US”. Next to the pharmacy at the Cove Mall is the walk-in clinic, where the practice of house doctor Beke is located. Here, you can visit the doctor to fulfill any prescription needs. Soon, Botica di Servicio will also be able to provide laboratory services, such as blood and urine testing.

The one-stop-shop will then be complete; prescriptions, medications and issuance of these in one location, walking distance from your hotel. By saving you plenty of time and effort, you’ll be able to optimally enjoy your vacation on the island of Aruba.