Update on the development of COVID-19 in Aruba

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The public health agency of Aruba publishes weekly updates about the development of COVID-19 on Aruba.

In this week’s update, the agency informed that 89 people recovered and a total of 122 new COVID-19 cases were registered. The amount of active cases of COVID-19 for today is 87, with the total amount of deaths related to or because of COVID-19 is at 212.

Available data ilustrates that new COVID-19 cases are at a weekly average of 17 cases per day and a weekly positivity rate of 33 percent per day.

Currently, there are 3 people hospitalized in Aruba for causes related to or because of COVID-19, of which 1 person is in ICU and 2 in general admissions. In Colombia, there are 3 people hospitalized as well, of which 2 are in ICU and 1 is in general admissions.