UNESCO Aruba celebrates its 35th anniversary as a UNESCO member

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During a recently held press conference in connection with the 35th-anniversary celebration, UNESCO Aruba’s Secretary General, Mrs. Marushka Tromp, shared information about UNESCO Aruba and what they do.

According to Mrs. Tromp, the main objective of the National Committee of UNESCO Aruba is to fortify the execution of the mandates of UNESCO by structurally informing the community and creating awareness about the duties of UNESCO Aruba and their importance for Aruba.

Work areas of UNESCO

The Secretary General of UNESCO Aruba disclosed the work areas of UNESCO. These include Education, Science, Culture, Communication, and Information. UNESCO’s final objective is to interconnect societies around the world in a way that they reach a culture of peace.

UNESCO International works on these areas based on the programs, projects, and recommendations for policies and agreements. UNESCO Aruba works with local and international stakeholders to realize each theme in all areas. Some are in a more advanced stage, some are more visible, and their impacts are palpable, while some are in continuous development. Mrs. Tromp emphasized the importance of grasping what connects the themes. What does culture have to do with climate? How does culture influence science, and education? How is sport a catalyst for peace and mental health?

Instruments on the local level

UNESCO Aruba functions in practice with experts in each area and with stakeholders to work on the themes in each field.

Each expert is an expert in their field and the UNESCO International program. They use this approach based on, among others, investigation, priority, innovation, and inter-sectoral collaboration to work with relevant stakeholders to give content to the themes on the management level, program, project, and/or combination.

UNESCO has a Participation Program that provides financial support to NGO projects in the areas of UNESCO. Every two years, countries can submit a maximum of seven projects. With the agreement of UNESCO Paris, the NGO receives the funds to finance the project.


UNESCO Aruba comprises a National Commission for UNESCO (NUC) and a secretariat.

The NUC is presided over by the Minister of Culture, Mrs. Xiomara Maduro. The Vice-President is Mrs. Annemarie Proveyer-Groot. The members are Mr. Peter Scholing, Mrs. Regine Croes, and Siegfried Dumfries. The Council consists of Mrs. Marushka Tromp as Secretary General of the NUC, Mrs. Nora Eleonora as a specialist in education, and Mrs. Ruby Eckmeyer as a specialist in culture. Mr. Marck Oduber is a specialist in Science, and Mrs. Suhail Zaandam is a documentarist of the secretariat.

For more information about UNESCO Aruba and the jobs done by many of its stakeholders, please visit UNESCO Aruba on Facebook.