Transfer of command to the carnaval monarchs of Aruba

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(Oranjestad)—Sunday morning in front of the government office, the official transfer of command was held for the princes and panchos, who will all lead Aruba’s 69th annual carnaval for the next two weeks. Prime Minister, Evelyn Wever-Croes, officially handed over the key to the carnaval monarchs of Aruba.

During this event, the prince and pancho of every carnaval category read their official decree with the changes they want to see from the Prime Minister for the period of the carnaval festivities.

“We are gathered together today for the transfer of command, so that for the next two weeks, the governance of this country during the carnaval festivities will no longer be in the hands of the 8 ministers, but in the hands of the 6 princes and panchos,” Wever-Croes declared.

The Prime Minister continued by saying that Aruba was not able to celebrate in the last two years, the biggest cultural manifestation on the island. With much enthusiasm, the Aruban public is prepared to finally walk the streets again to celebrate the majestic creativity that is only possible in Aruba.

“Our government is always here to listen to everyone, and with a lot of attention, I listened to the decrees of the princes and panchos this morning. Some of their wishes are a challenge and we hope to make all the changes desired in the blink of an eye, but we will keep every single one of these points in consideration,” she remarked.

The Prime Minister handed over the kid prince and pancho a sword, so they can protect the carnaval festivities for the children. The youth prince and pancho received a machete as a symbol of defense for the youths during carnaval. The adult prins and pancho received the traditional key, which symbolizes the support and confidence to open and lead the 69th annual carnaval. Additionally, the last pair also received a spare key, in case the pair has to much fun and end up losing the key.