Star of the day: Jennyraine Maduro; Don’t try to ‘Fit in’. Stand out!

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Jennyraine is 14 years old and is in the 2nd grade of Colegio Arubano in Oranjestad. Despite her hobbies being modelling and dancing she also practices Taekwondo and loves it. Jennyraine is a true example of how a girl can be beautiful and glamorous and yet strong!

Jennyraine participated in many beauty pageants and has conquered many titles such as; 2012 Little princess Aruba, 2013 Baby beauty world international (Dominican Republic), 2015 Little Miss Aruba, 2016 Mini model Aruba and in 2016 she became first finalist of the world. In 2018 she also represented The Chaz modeling & talent school in the Cultural Jewel pageant and won several titles such as Folklore jewel, Photogenic and National costume. Jennyraine started modelling when she was only 5 years old and also managed to win several prizes at the Best talent show throughout the years.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

I want to continue in the world of Fashion. I love watching fashion shows and trends of the world. Maybe I can also become a dance instructor, so definitely something in this area.

What do you like about yourself?

I like that I am being myself all the time. I express myself in the way I dress, my hair or through my accessories without worrying to ‘Fit In’. I focus on feeling happy with myself.

What do you do when you feel sad?

I try to reflect on what made me sad. I put on some music. I dance or even dress up just to make myself feel better.

Who is your best friend and why?

My best friend is my cousin, because since little we have been growing up more like sister and also Kiana is my best friend because we are very alike in many things.

What is your message to all the children of Aruba?

Follow your passion. Give your utmost at school and be open to learn new things. Everything has a negative side to it, but try to focus on the positive always.