Rugia Siliee; A contagious Smile

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Rugia Siliee, working at Hilton Aruba Caribbean Resort, is the employee that has the most years of service with 47 years in tourism. Rugia is an employee who is dedicated and always has a smile on her face that brings a huge amount of joya t work.

When Rugia started working in the Food & Beverage Department, she didn’t know much about the department, but she learned very quickly and with her smile and charisma, she always pushed forward. Now, she can say she knows a lot about the department as well as the industry.

Rugia loves to work with people, serve people and help her colleagues. For this reason, they often refer to her as ‘octopus’, because she’s never afraid to assist in any department. Rugia is a positive person and always works with passion and love, providing an exceptional service to the guests of the hotel.

The advice that Rugia gives is that if you want to work in this industry you need patience, love and the spirit of serving so that your character can make an impact in your character and the guests will keep asking for you. Aruba is known for its beaches but what makes Aruba so special is it’s kind people, and for that reason Rugia’s wish is for Aruba’s tourism to always giv the same service, as kind and cordial as always.