Minister of Justice attending 90th Interpol General Assembly in India

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Aruban Minister of Justice and Social Affairs, Mr. Rocco Tjon is currently attending the 90th Interpol General Assembly in India, which is focused on fighting organized crime, financial crimen and corruption.

During the opening of this congress, in which 195 countries are participating, the Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi focused on the importance of fighting financial crime, organized crime and corruption.

Jurgen Stock, General Secretary of Interpol, explained the importance of global security that was established through cooperation and the sharing of information between agencies of law enforcement. Aside from this, the president of Interpol, Mr. Ahmed Naser al-Raisi explained the importance of the collaboration between the 195 countries that are members of Interpol. For this, Interpol makes available technology for gathering of information to use in analyzing and sharing information.

According to minister Tjon, it is important for Aruba to make better use of the various initiatives that Interpol offers to member countries. The opportunities are diverse, varying from help in fighting crime to capacity building for those working in the judiciary apparatus.

E strategic agenda of the Aruban ministry of Justice and Social Affairs, which was shared with the Parliament of Aruba, is precisely focused on these aspects, according to a press release.

The upcoming days at the Congress, aside from the official program, the Aruban delegation will be carrying out different conversations with representatives from Interpol and other countries’ delegations in order to fortify the abovementioned points.