Message from a friend in Rhode Island

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Every generation looks at the social distancing phase from another perspective. We received this tidbit from an Aruba Today friend who is in his 20’s living in Rhode Island. He shares with us his experience during this corona time.

“You think it’s a joke until it starts affecting your life directly. Started in China and weeks later you find out four people in your hometown are infected. I did not panic. I was living my normal life until everything started closing and people began losing their jobs. Forced to stay at home is not that bad right? But when you have debts and rent to pay it gives you anxiety. My experience going for groceries was overwhelming because the supermarkets were packed with people. Also, everyone looks suspicious. As you know the virus is invisible for some days. The best way is to focus on your grocery list and try to do it as fast as you can. Also some shelves were already empty. Go in the toilet section and guess what, no toilet paper anywhere! Luckily I had a lot at home so that’s fine. First week staying at home goes through fast but then you run out of things to do and you start feeling a bit annoyed. We thought why don’t we play monopoly like old times and get some rum of course. So we went to Walmart and there was not even a spot to park. I personally avoided touching anything with my bare hands because I believe they might be infected. Just to be safe I used some hand gloves. Also everyone was thinking about going out and enjoying the sun because the spring is here but a virus changed all of our plans. Now still at home discovering new hobbies and spending more time in the kitchen. We bought a lot of ice cream so quarantine is not that bad when you have good company and you make the best of it.” q