Meeting with PAHO regarding healthcare projects in Aruba

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On July 1, 2022, the Minister of Tourism and Public Health, Mr. Dangui Oduber, held a meeting with the members of the Pan American Health Organization PAHO.

This meeting was on the various projects the Ministry of Public Health is executing in the upcoming months.

PAHO has an essential role in our healthcare system. They have been working closely with the Aruba authorities to improve healthcare service and quality in Aruba. Currently, they are working together on the prevention policy, in which Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are essential. In 2006, the PAHO did research in Aruba. The government used the collected information to generate data about the island’s general health.

Together with the PAHO, the Ministry of Public Health will be organizing research that will take place in early 2023. This research will be used as the baseline to obtain information about the community.

The research aims to collect data from more or less 5000 people in the community per household. It is essential to establish policies for healthcare efficiently and on time.

During the meeting, the PAHO complimented Aruba for their continuous proactive way concerning prevention in healthcare. Prevention is a priority, and we can achieve it by working united.