Maybelline Arends-Croes received the Crioyo di Oro award

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On November 30, 2022 the Go Cultura Foundation awarded the National Crioyo di Oro Award was to Mrs. Maybelline Arends-Croes at the Cas di Cultura.

During this special event, they also dedicated a gala concert to her.

Mrs. Arends-Croes received this recognition for her immense support of our culture.

The evening featured various artists, including The Young Voices, Grupo Melange, Cesar Olarte, Erika Giel, Gloria Vega, Rocco Franken, Rachel Kraaijvanger, Edjean Semeleer, and many other surprises. A musical orchestra accompanied the artists.

The Prime Minister of Aruba congratulated Mrs. Maybelline Arends-Croes through a video message recorded earlier in which she said the following: “I want to congratulate Mrs. Maybelline for all her achievements during her long career for the culture of Aruba. And I thank you for everything you have done and meant for our culture. I know Mrs. Maybelline since attending Colegio Arubano, and she inspired me to like and appreciate music. Maybelline had a political career, and as a female politician, she considerably impacted me. Maybelline helped inspire many children, youngsters, and adults in her career. May God bless you. I hope you can enjoy the special recognition and continue to delight us with the talent that God gave you.”

The Prime Minister thanked all who made this recognition event possible for Maybelline Arends-Croes. Thanks to Go Cultura Foundation for awarding Maybelline with the Crioyo di Oro Award.