Manchebo Beach Resort & Spa introduces new Environmental Initiatives

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EAGLE BEACH ― Manchebo Beach Resort & Spa proudly announces the recertification with Green Globe with an overall 95% score. The resort has a strong commitment to the principles of environmental and social sustainability. Several initiatives have been implemented in 2018 to reduce Manchebo’s environmental impact including the reducing and recycling of plastics.

The resort eliminated for example one-way plastics, such as drinking-straws, to go boxes and bags and replaced them with biodegradable, paper or bamboo alternatives. Another improvement is the installation of a beach-side Water Bottle Filling Station of EZ H2O from Elkay and the education of the guests and staff to fill up their bottles instead of purchasing plastic water bottles. With this effort over 1,500 bottles are saved every month. Being a 72-room property, this means a significant reduction in plastic usage around the property.

Early 2018 the resort proudly teamed up with the local student start up The Plastic Beach Party organization, to start recycling the plastic waste of the property. The Plastic Beach Party is a community-driven recycling initiative, working to reduce waste and give plastic a new life. Together with this local company and the dedicated Manchebo team, the resort was able to change the procedure on the separation of the plastic waste collection. The joined effort with Plastic Beach Party is another step in the right direction to preserve a safe and healthy environment for the island of Aruba, its people and visiting guests.

Green initiatives are spearheaded by the resort’s Green Team a dedicated group of 12 representatives of all departments and from all levels of the resort. More initiatives are soon to follow.

The intimate boutique resort is situated on majestic Eagle Beach in Aruba, considered one of the top three beaches in the world as awarded by TripAdvisor. Contemporary rooms offer peaceful views overlooking the azure ocean waters of the Caribbean or luscious green tropical gardens. Yoga and Pilates classes are offered complimentary daily and there is also a state-of-the-art fitness room for those in search of a unique wellness retreat.

For more information visit | or e-mail our Environmental leader Jessica Dirks at q