A.T.A. presents with pride: Visitor Information Center San Nicolas in ‘STATE OF THE ART’

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SAN NICOLAS — End of April the Aruba Tourism Authority opened the renovated Visitor Information Center in San Nicolas in a ‘State of the Art’ style. The festive opening was attended by the Deputy Governor Mrs. Yvonne Lacle-Dirksz, together with the Minister of Tourism, Mr. Danguillaume Oduber and CEO of Aruba Tourism Authority (A.T.A.) Mrs. Ronella Tjin Asjoe. Also several parliamentarians, key figures of the town and its tourism in general were present.

The function of the Visitor Information Center is to inform tourists of general tourism information about Aruba and specifically the area of San Nicolas. The office will strengthen the connection between San Nicolas and its visitors and will give the opportunity for the people of San Nicolas to share their culture and nature with our tourists.

The past two years A.T.A. developed strategies to deepen the product of tourism and the re-opening of this Tourism Office San Nicolas forms part of this plan which is called ‘Cu Mira pa Futuro’ freely translated as ‘ With an Eye to the Future’. Another aspect of the development initiated by A.T.A. is the ‘Niche Roadmap’ and the organization is also doing research of the carrying capacity with regards to tourism which is at its end phase now. All projects taken care of by A.T.A. are included into their yearly plan and strategy for 2021. The goal in the end is an increase of the quality of the product tourism within the model “High Value, Low Impact”.

One of the focusses with regards to tourism that are defined by the government is the development of San Nicolas where culture and art are valuable assets as well as the rich nature. A.T.A. has invested in courses for the island’s tour operators to increase their knowledge on this area and share their own ideas about San Nicolas. Several museums were established in San Nicolas, supported by A.T.A., and tourist signs were implanted to give more information to the visitors. Events like Aruba Art Fair were supported and the area of Baby Beach was upgraded. Now with the renovated Visitor Information Center the visitors are more than welcome to explore this wonderful and interesting part of Aruba.

Come over and enjoy the vibrant colored streets of San Nicolas and step into the colorful Visitor Information Center to ask your way around. Soon they will also offer short tours with specific themes. Keep posted! q