Information evening about sexually transmitted diseases

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On November 30, 2022, the Department of Public Health DVG, the Horacio Oduber Hospital, and the Health Promotion Platform held a joint information evening for healthcare workers.

Dr. de Kort and Dr. Rodenburg of the HOH were the speakers at the event. The information evening was in connection with International Aids Day on December 1 and preparation for the upcoming holiday season and carnival. The purpose of the evening was to provide information to all healthcare workers about sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV, Chlamydia, and the existing taboo about these subjects.

Dr. Rodenburg and Dr. de Kort talked extensively about their medical experience in Aruba and abroad. They explained the differences in the awareness of these subjects and provided tips and valuable information in the context of our community. They also provided information on diagnostic, treatment, care, and treatment centers for different cases.

Dr. de Kort emphasized the importance of support groups in these cases. The lack of support groups affects the process of individuals with an STD, but also groups like LGBTQ+ .

It is essential to state that there are positive changes in STDs, and the community is slowly responding positively and creating more awareness.

Minister of Public Health Dangui Oduber is grateful to the DVG Health Promotion, the Horacio Oduber Hospital, and the Health Promotion Platform for organizing this event and sharing valuable information with the healthcare sector and the community in the wake of the upcoming season.