Health, aging and pensions minor information meeting

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University of Aruba provides insight into the increasing aging. Aruba is aging at a very rapid pace. By 2030, 20% of our population will be older than 65. This is a doubling of the number of people in this age category since 2012 and it implies that then there are only three working people left for every person over 65.

These developments have a major impact on our healthcare and pensions. To be better prepared for this, the University of Aruba (UA) started last year with a new program, called “Health, Aging and Pensions” (HAP). This program is very relevant for professionals and managers who work for the government, healthcare sector, human resources, trade unions, pensions and insurers. The program, also known as the Minor, is (optional) part of the 4th year of the Faculty for Accounting, Finance and Marketing (FEF) of the UA.

In this minor, managers, professionals and students will learn how different kinds of Healthcare and Pension systems work, both in Aruba as internationally. Challenges and opportunities for future policy issues and operational management are discussed.
The minor will also focus on Healthy Aging, where the focus is on how health influences the process of aging and employment, as well as on the Personal Life Cycle Management, which relates to choices that people make during their lives with regard to education, work, living, family, savings and the mutual influences of these choices on the individual life cycle.

Free webinar

The minor starts in the week of August 29, 2020. The lectures take place on Thursday evening and Friday morning and afternoon. The total minor consists of 6 courses, spread over 2 blocks of 7 weeks. It is also possible to attend only one or more courses and receive a certificate for the completed courses. If you are interested, you are very welcome at the free information meeting on Thursday, July 9 from 4 to 5 pm via zoom webinar.

About Center for Lifelong Learning (CLL)

One of the key issues in the strategic development of the University of Aruba (UA) is the need to orient its service more explicitly towards the development of the Aruban society. CLL extends the mission and vision of the University of Aruba and does so with a focus on offering learning opportunities throughout life to various stakeholders in our society at the individual, organizational as well as national level. CLL has as motto “Enabling Growth”.  This growth is achieved by means of providing continuous education for holistic human development and personal growth. More information: