EpisodeXCIV – 94: Aruba’s tourism recovery

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According to the latest UNWTO data, Caribbean destinations experienced a 67% fall in international tourist arrivals in 2020 compared to the previous year. Aruba seems to have been suffering the most by being 90% dependable on a single economic pillar. Given the reliance of many destinations on the sector, this has placed large numbers of livelihoods and businesses at risk by idling, therefore making timely restart of tourism vital.

This crisis gives us an opportunity to rethink how the tourism sector should be and how tourism can contribute to people and `planet-island.’ How can we rebuild this sector better? How can we make it more sustainable, inclusive and resilient? We urgently need all sectors related to tourism to work together to restart this sector for the benefit of all. For this reconstruction, sustainability and innovation must be given a prominent place.

At this time, as an island nation,we must stand at that point where government, commerce and the general public, must determine our character and make an unconditional choice for the island’s future. Tourism is the best hope we have; however highly consider mistakes we made in the past and keep in mind Aruba’s geo-physical limitations, in order to guarantee a fair standard of living and a good quality of life. Redefine the product as a destination. Reconsider all assets. Recognize and respect local essences of island`s cultural aspects together with all native species and things, since they are running the risk of disappearing or becoming extinct. It is in hand of the general public to participate, requesting and demanding proper legislative protection that safeguard and guarantees the existence of our ecosystems for future generations. We must create awareness of our, yet unfathomed assets, which could be lost without ever knowing of their existence. Respect and protect archeological grounds and rock formations. Clean up the house for our own sake.

We listen very encouragingly to visitor’s complaints and issues that worries our loyal return travelers, we also consider all warnings of product saturation, loss of friendliness and attention etc. The best of all is that we are very optimistic and we have high expectancies to which we are ready to tackle the challenges ahead, the great ones and the not so great, as well. The moment to re-educate and relocate locals in to the hospitality service job market is now. Recovery is eminent since many are jobless due to the heath situation and work force reduction.

To get to know more about Aruba and its origins, its animals and culture, we highly recommend you to book your visit for our renowned cultural encounter session has been entertaining curious participants for decades. Mail us at etnianativa03@gmail.comto confirm your participation. Our facilities and activities take place close to high rise hotels.