Episode 140: Respect & Solidarity

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Article by Etnia Nativa call us 592 2702 and book your experience!

Our goal at Etnia Nativa is to raise cultural awareness, promoting education and to safeguard our heritage as the sacred mother seed for renewal and reinvention, guiding you to become the next and a new guardian of Aruba.

A happy island needs each visitor to get involved in tourist activities where what is prioritized is respect for the natural, cultural and social environment to define and understand the values ​​of our community. With this type of tourism there is a positive exchange of experiences between visitors and residents, establishing a fair and equitable relationship in terms of the benefits that this activity can generate.

In Aruba, more and more people are aware and concerned about environmental issues and the tourism market is also beginning to realize the negative impact on the environment generated by unsustainable tourist activities. Our society is becoming increasingly aware of the need to preserve our flora, fauna, soil and sea and heritage. In recent times, different environmental defense groups have emerged that exert pressure on public opinion in relation to the effects of tourist activities with the sole purpose to generate revenue regardless of the environmental impact it is causing.

Our small beautiful island, like the entire planet Earth, is going through a decisive moment and our tourism in general should be governed by the principles of sustainability, in order to minimize the impact on the environment and local culture.

To achieve this and generate benefits for the local population, we need our tourism to be aware of the existing socio-political reality.

Aruba and the planet need responsible and supportive tourism and all types of tourism should currently aspire to this responsibility and solidarity, but the current reality of tourism has little to do with these objectives we are advocating for.

Visitors are no longer satisfied with little and that makes the demand for product quality and services higher. As a consequence, it requires a greater effort to remain competitive in the market. So our officials should roll theirs sleeves and put heads together in order to mitigate all economic endeavors which cause negative impacts to the environment and the inhabitants of Aruba as on pristine destination.


The European Alliance for Responsible Tourism and Hospitality (EARTH) project defines Responsible Tourism as: “Any specific tourism product or tourism production system in which tourists, actors and local providers assume responsibility for host destinations from the star, involving environmental, cultural, social and economic viability point of view.

Aruba needs to raise awareness of its still unfathomable assets that could be lost without even knowing they exist. It is in the hands of its inhabitants to request legislative protection, safeguards and guaranteed protection of the existence of our ecosystem for our next generation and our future visitors.

As locals we must involve each visitor in the Aruba experience, share with them our reality and our concern.

Etnia Nativa is a small recycled building that has beautiful gardens and occupies an area of ​​880 m2 in Westpunt. Ten years ago it was surrounded by land of wild vegetation and inhabited by a diverse and varied fauna. Today, as a result of the excessive housing growth in the area, our home museum and sanctuary houses different species in danger of extinction as an natural sanctuary for: hummingbirds, doves, chuchubi; trupial; pecho gel, bats, lizards, totekis, geccos, crabs, beatles, mantis, santaneros, spiders. They are our daily dwellers and endemic fauna, even the invasive boa and the cane toad are casual visitors we wish no to see. On picture below, is our dreaded centipede who loves to scavenge and wander around for small insects, frogs and small rodents that lives under rocks boulders that are part of our garden. however we must be vigilant since occasionally we must prevent them going inside. We catch them on a shovel or in a carton box and transport them to safer place.

In our gallery art we also display historical as well as native Aruban art and artifacts. Follow our guided tours conducted by its founder and curator, incorporating works of art, archaeological objects, tools and weapons to tell the story of Aruba. Discover nature and island culture, through an educational and mind-opening session for the curious and bohemian soul, the adventurous spirit and those interested in acquiring island knowledge. Interact and get infected with a good predisposition to share our concern for preserving your fragile travel destination.

Did you say you love Aruba its origins and cultural heritage? Than this private encounter with our columnist anthropologist is just something for you. Sessions created in a gorgeous setting for visitors with special interests. Appointment is required. Mail us as etnianativa03@gmail.com or WhatsApp +297 592 2702 for an exclusive experience at the acclaimed columnist’s home.