Dog Control Unit active

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Recently, Bureau City Inspector started the training in combination with other government services that will eventually strengthen the Dog Control Unit.

The training is highly necessary for those who become part of this unit. They are trained to handle dogs without being bitten, and learn how to catch dogs efficiently which can vary from dog to dog.

On Monday, the entire team experienced the introduction given by veterinarian Irene Croes, followed by a lecture by dog ​​trainer Tito Lacle. After the lecture, Dean Nicholson, police dog handler, took over the training and continued with the training, both theoretical and practical training focused on what they will encounter in the field.

On Wednesday, the Dog Control unit took their mobile unit into the street for training and used an incoming police report reporting a serious case of dog abuse. The unit mobilized to the indicated address and on arrival found itself in a critical situation of dog neglect. In this case, the owner signed off his ownership of the dogs and the Dog Control Unit rescued 4 dogs and took them to the Dog Control Center for professional care.

The team had the opportunity to witness the cruel reality that many foundations face on a daily basis, the neglect of pets. The reality in Aruba regarding this situation is that most, if not all, animal shelter foundations have their hands full helping as many pets as possible with veterinary care and neutering in the hope of finding a new home for these pets.

Hopefully the Aruba community will start helping by becoming a better pet owner, by being a better neighbor by notifying the authorities in good time of pet neglect before the neglect becomes critical and by adopting dogs instead of dogs to import. In this way, the foundations can help more dogs in painful situation given the number of dogs that need to be rescued and neutered.