Decisions taken by the Government of Aruba

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The Government of Aruba has taken the following measurements in order to mitigate the further spread of Corona Virus COVID-19:


  • Starting Saturday, March 21, the Government of Aruba will implement a curfew from 9pm to 6am. During these hours, nobody is allowed on the streets. Those who work essential night shifts and have to go to work or back home must have a document with them that proves this. There is an exception for the pharmacy on duty, it can stay open. Those who do not comply with the regulations of the curfew can get a fine up to 10,000 Aruban florins and for violation of opening hrs up to 1000 florins.
  • Starting Saturday, March 21, the Government of Aruba has decided that the Aruban borders will be closed for entry. Nobody can enter the country. This restriction counts for residents of Aruba as well. Only empty flights can come in to pick up passengers leaving Aruba to take them to their destination.
  • Starting from March 15, 2020 until March 31, 2020, Passengers traveling from the Netherlands, Europe, The USA and other countries on the list of WHO, will be restricted to enter Aruba. With exception for residents.
  • Residents who are abroad and are having difficulties to return to Aruba can contact 569 6897 for assistance.
  • All locations of nocturnal activity are allowed to stay open until 10 pm at and have to close their doors at the aforementioned hour.
  • A recommendation goes to all owners or organizers of social, religious, restaurant activities, where there is a mass gathering to keep it to a maximum of 50 persons.
  • Starting from March 15, 2020 to March 31, 2020, all public activities (organized by the government) and private activities, from which a (polis) permit has been granted are canceled.
  • International Airport Reina Beatrix has elevated its control of all flights coming from countries which are not on the restriction list. To be more precise European countries.
  • All schools will be closed from March 16, 2020 to March 20, 2020, until further notice. These measurements include schools, Day Care Centers and all organizations in charge of education and care of our children.
  • It is prohibited to visit retirement homes.
  • Government departments are working with limited personal. Services to the public will be given on appointment basis only, if it is necessary all other services will be given via telephone or email.
  • This measurement is to prevent overcrowding in Government Departments and public spaces.
  • It is our priority to contain, mitigate and prevent that the virus will be further transmitted. Please be aware and pay attention to all advice and requirements given by the Government of Aruba.


​All decisions taken by the Government of Aruba has been in full collaboration with experts of the Crisis Commission of the Government of Aruba. The elder community (people 60+ years) and people with chronic disease have the highest risk to get serious complications due to COVID-19.

Wash your hands as frequently possible for 20 seconds with soap and water or use hand sanitizer containing at least 70% alcohol. Avoid being in physical contact with others, greet without handshaking, hugging or kissing.

If you are feeling sick, isolate yourself in your house and call 280-0101 for further information and instructions.

The fight against the transmission of the Corona Virus begins with YOU!