COVID-19 status in Aruba

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The Prime Minister of Aruba, Mrs. Evelyn Wever Croes, gave an update about the current situation of Covid in Aruba.

Data is showing that positive covid cases are on the increase in Aruba once more. There are 302 active covid cases, of which 215 are residents and 87 non-residents. This increase is caused mainly by the Delta variant that is highly contagious. The non-residents are not arriving tourists, but also local students visiting for vacation and that are not yet vaccinated. The good news, however, is that the situation is not alarming yet as the hospital capacity is still safe. It is essential to be aware that the amount of positive covid cases is on the rise. Therefore, the crisis team is preparing a little more for the upcoming days.

As stated during the press conference the Prime Minister once more urges every citizen of Aruba, to keep themselves safe to try to help to get the situation under control. One of the effective methods to contain the virus is the Covid Vaccine. Those vaccinated can get infected with the Delta variant, but do not get any symptoms or get severely sick. Persons that are not vaccinated and get infected are the ones hospitalized, and some with severe consequences.

Currently, children as young as 12 years are getting vaccinated. Vaccination now does not require an appointment. Those wanting the vaccine can walk in at the Sports hall Betico Croes in Santa Cruz for their vaccine. Those under the age of 18 should have a parent present to give their approval for the vaccine. Also local students residing abroad for school and temporarily vacationing in Aruba for at least three weeks can also receive their vaccines. To receive both vaccines, they must be in Aruba for at least three weeks for better protection. We have a vaccination facility, so those wanting the vaccine can get this. There is no reason not to take the vaccine. The consequences of the Delta variant are serious. Persons infected with the Delta variant get sick and hospitalized with severe health issues caused by the virus. If you do not wish to get vaccinated, please make sure you boost your immune system and keep yourself healthy. The government cannot force anybody to take the vaccine. It is the individual’s responsibility.

Everyone needs to keep washing their hands frequently, use hand sanitizer, maintain social distance and when necessary and wear a face mask. In case you have any flu-like symptoms, please contact your family physician to get tested for Covid. If you are Covid positive, you have to isolate yourself for some time to protect others including your family.

After all, we all want Aruba to progress again. We are heading in the right direction and do not want to stop this development. Aruba is full of tourists and is flourishing again. The unemployed are getting back to work. However, there are still some individuals who require financial aid provided by the Government. To continue with this support, Aruba needs to progress. It’s not the richest country or most powerful country that can overcome the pandemic, but the most disciplined country, and Aruba has been very disciplined so far. We did this already and should continue to do so for the love of ourselves, our family, and Aruba”, the Prime Minister mentioned.