Cas Princesa thanks and congratulates its new queens

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Cas Princesa Aruba recently held its beauty pageant 2022 at Cas di Cultura, in front of the jury consisting of Maritza Verstappen, Ann Arends, Rudyanne Lejuez, Mirto Tromp, Derrel Lampe and Rose Ann Croes.

The MC was Addonsito Croes. A total of 11 candidates competed in the three pageants of Princess Beauty, Little Beauty and Pre Teen Beauty 2022.

The show, titled Christmas Gala included great performances by Carolyn Kock, Dayenne Croes, Diamond Dancers and Angelina Salazar.

The results were as following:

1) Princess Beauty:

Winner: Leyni Boekhoudt;

Runner-up: Carly-Yenne Maduro.

2) Little Beauty:

Winner: Thaheeli Geerman;

Runner-up: Elise Heronimo.

3) Pre-Teen:

Winner: Maya Gordon;

Runner-up: Qiana Felomina.


Leyni Boekhoudt;

Elise Heronimo;

Maya Gordon.

Miss Popular: Leyni Boekhoudt;

Best Hair: Sharely Boekhoudt;

Miss Social Media: Mia McCollum;

Mini Miss Friendship: Thaheeli Geerman.

The three outgoing queens, Keivy Winterdaal, Roshny Dairam and Jacy Croes thanked everyone for their support. Also the organizing team under the guidance of Jessica Anthonij thanked everyone for supporting the event.