Carina Wever: “The future of humanity depends more on collaboration”

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For ten years she has been working as a yoga instructor. A few years ago, she founded and organized the Cadushi Festival. She also worked as a journalist and directed a foundation. Now she is finding her life’s purpose in a journey of discovery and growth for life, nature, music, art, culture, love, among others. Her name is Carina Wever.

She sat down with our reporter and shared that she lived in the Netherlands for several years and has been in Aruba back in 2008. For some time she has involved herself in different activities such as Cirkel, a place where people went to participate in different workshops, yoga lessons, get-togethers to give support to others, for which she assured that it was just an excuse for people to get together to talk about anything.

In the interview, she expressed that she’s always helped pregnant women, which motivated her to do training in New York to become a doula. But wellness was something she has been interest in since childhood, she stated. She has been doing yoga since she was 11 years old and staying active and living a healthy life was something that always had her attention: “that was a trajectory that came very natural to me.”

She organized Cadushi Festival and works with another foundation that organized events for the financial sector. But now she reached a point where she is trying to combine everything in what she down; yoga and events uniting different elements of wellness like movement, breathing exercises, meditation, even nutrition and other healthy habits “that help you get the bigger picture, because to live healthily does not require just one path. I try to combine different elements from my own life experiences which proved successful to me,” she expressed.

Now she own a company where they explore different ways to help people reach holistic wellness. There offer different elements to achieve a life with optimal health: “I try to search for collaborations, because I think there are many people that do different things to help other people achieve a healthier lifestyle—including healthy mental well-being, for example through therapy or coaching, nutrition, social work.”

That is how she ended up taking part in the project Women’s Month Uniting Women, along with other empowered women and professionals. Together there organize activities on International Women’s Day every year.

“All these people have their own expertise and they all help women with the same goal. They help women become more healthy and stronger. This is why I decided to join the project,” she stated.

In terms of her experience with the project, she shared that they were very successful “and the most important part was that we received a lot of positive reaction and enthusiasm. People told us that we should do this more often and not just for Women’s Day. We all have different ideas and angles, like a financial psychologist, who help people with their spending habits and their overall relationship with money. Some of our members are great coaches too; others give art lessons to people. We have one member who does kickboxing to empower women.”

She further expressed that her and the organization wanted to do a follow up, so they can evaluated how the activities went and to see how they can keep collaborating with other people and organizations, and not just make it a once a month thing: “we want to think of ways to keep joining forces, to keep offering something to people for the rest of the year. This isn’t concrete yet but that is our plan.”

But their plan does not only include women, but also men, who since their last activities, have also asked to be a part of these activities. Wever expressed that “to reach an optimal state of life, I feel like it would great if we can have Women’s day, but also include men in this so that we can do something together, seeing as they there’s much of a celebration for their day.”

She wishes that there could be more collaboration between similar people that provide services like this, so that everyone can benefit from them: “From a young age we are taught that boys are stronger; boys don’t cry. They have feelings too, but are taught to lock them away and to be strong, and act as if they don’t need help or support.”

To finalize, Wever believes that the future of mankind depends more on collaboration: “there are so many people that are doing great things to contribute in a positive way, but a lot of times there is a tendency do only do ones part and be done. I believe that in the future we can really help people in need. That’s why it is important to unite. Every person has the right to feel as good as possible, physically, mentally and emotionally.”