Aruba Timeshare Association partners up with the Happy Community Initiative

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Luigi Heredia is the President of the Aruba Timeshare Association (ATSA) and also General Manager of the Costa Linda Beach Resort. Together with CEDE Aruba, a dynamic community foundation and supporting nonprofits in Aruba since 1986, they launched Aruba’s Visitor Charity Program. This is a new platform for all visitors who would like to give a little bit of kindness to our community. The first digital donation kiosks in the Caribbean are inaugurated for this reason, among others at the Costa Linda Beach Resort, Playa Linda Beach Resort and Casa del Mar Beach Resort & Timeshare.

Heredia explained to a handful of guests of the resort what this Happy Community Initiative is about and how easy it actually is to make a donation by using the kiosk or through the website In addition, some resorts will offer the possibility to make a donation at the checkout. Daniel Tecklenborg is the director of CEDE Aruba, and they initiated this visitor charity program that is also endorsed by the Aruba Tourism Authority (ATA). This will be a platform for all visitors who would like to make a donation, but also volunteer in the future. The priority is set to support projects for the Aruban youth. CEDE Aruba will make sure that the donations reach meaningful projects of local non-profits and upon quality and transparent finances of the offered programs. This way you can be assured that your donation will hit its goal!

How does it help Aruban youth.
Millions of people around the world love Aruba, the ONE HAPPY ISLAND and the home away from home! Tourism in Aruba is performing well. However, in Aruba, about six of ten youngsters between the ages of 12 and 18 are alone or without adult supervision after school time. In most cases because their parents are working. In addition, many of Aruba’s youngsters do not travel often and experience boredom and lack of activities during school vacations. Furthermore, four out of ten Aruban youngsters do not finish secondary school. This is a very big issue for Aruba’s future economy and the tourism industry.

During a recent investigation, more than 60% of Aruba’s youth is asking for afterschool programs, aiming at sports, cooking, art programs and a safe place to hang out with friends. More than 50 non-profit organizations are motivated to contribute to a national program. Your donation will help us to start and support after school programs with a focus on time for homework and diverse, meaningful activities. In addition, your donation will support mentorship activities during school vacation and support projects aiming at youth at risk. Last but not least, your donation will support projects that reduce the amounts of school dropouts and create new opportunities for youngsters to integrate back in education and to find a career in one of Aruba’s countless companies.

Get engaged, inspired and connected with our local community. Let’s build a bridge between community organizations and the tourism industry. Let’s keep Aruba’s youth happy!

Happy Community Initiative Aruba.
CEDE Aruba

Beatrixstraat 8

Phone: +297 582.7666