‘Aruba Marine Life’ book presentation

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Artist Luisa Elena Betancourt recently published her work ‘Aruba Marine life’ and is presenting this on March 9, 2022, at the National Library of Aruba.

The presentation will start at 7:00 pm.

Luisa Elena BetancourtLuisa Elena Betancourt is an artist from Venezuela and has resided in Aruba since 2016. Luisa combines her artistic work with another one of her passions, underwater photography. Over time doing underwater photography, she created a unique and considerable collection of exotic underwater photographs. This publication includes photos of marine life like fish, other sea creatures, plants, and corals.

Cover photo book Aruba Marine LifeEach photo in the book has a short description in English.

Her admiration for marine life inspires her, which leads to further artistic development. Many of her photographs inspired her to paint these on canvas and create digital art and collage. er book ‘Aruba Marine life’ is proof of Aruba’s underwater beauty and educates the community about the different marine species in our ocean. The underwater world is precious and needs to be protected and preserved. er favorite place for inspiration is the ocean at the Mangel Halto in Pos Chiquito.

The presentation is in Spanish, but you may ask questions in English.

For more information about the artist, please visit her website www.luisaebetancourt.coma