Aruba in Canada!

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(Oranjestad)— Last Thursday, Aruba Today received a special e-mail from a reader all the way in Canada. The Futa-Toppenberg family shared with us their daughter Lua’s school project on foreign countries. Lua gave her presentation on Aruba, complete with a hand-made outfit inspired by the Aruban Carnaval spirit and traditional snacks for the class.

Lua’s father, Jamal Futa, explained to us that their daughter’s school organized a Multi-Cultural Day, where they had the opportunity to present their Aruban heritage. The Multi-cultural fair of May 4th featured many countries, including India, China, Mexico, Philippines, Iran, Turkey, France, and of course Aruba.

He also shared that the family moved to Canada to pursue further studies, career opportunities and new experiences. They have been living in Windsor since 2019.

The family had weeks to prepare for the event, and stated that they prepared ‘Funchi Hasa’ for the guest to try. They also made Dulce de Leche for the visitors. Jamal stated that these two were very well-received among the guests.

A lot of people were also very interested in some facts about Aruba, to which Lua provided a lot of information on. They particularly asked about the map, the native language and culture. Some guests even told the family about their recent trips to the island and asked them for more information on planning their next trip to Aruba.

Lua, dressed in a hand-made two piece outfit inspired by the glitz and glamour of the Aruban Carnaval spirit, participated in the Culture fashion show, which the school also organized to showcase the children’s traditional clothing of their chosen country.

Lua and her family were very excited to present the best of Aruba, as it made them feel closer to home. Aruba Today is proud to hear that our culture is being shared and spread around the world! To Lua and her family, we’d like to give congratulations and props for their hard work. Thank you for your representation and shared pride in our beautiful, rich culture!