Aruba becomes co-chair of the regional organization CFATF

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Aruba has been appointed as “co-chair” of the CFATF during a recently held meeting on the ministerial level of the CFATF. Together with the “incoming chair” Cayman Islands, Aruba will be in charge of the leadership of the CFATF for the 2022-2023 period.

Aruba is contributing to the fight against money laundering in the Caribbean region, as one of the founding members of the CFATF, since 1990. Aruba has always supported and actively participated with the CFATF and is currently representing the Dutch Speaking Countries in the steering group of the CFATF. Now, Aruba has the honor to contribute as “Co-Chair” to help guide the CFATF.

During the Ministerial meeting, the Minister of Finance and Culture, Xiomara Maduro, informed the CFATF that Mr. Angelo Brete, Director of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FUI), formerly known as MOT, has been appointed as ‘Co-Chair”.

Mr. Brete is knowledgeable and was part of the team of professionals that recently achieved a successful evaluation by the CFATF, which positioned Aruba in second place in the Caribbean. This significant achievement of Aruba sends a strong and positive message to potential investors that our financial system is trustworthy.

Minister Maduro is grateful to the CFATF for their trust and appreciates Mr. Brete’s courage to represent Aruba in the leadership position in the CFATF. The Minister also thanks Mr. Marcel ‘t Mannetje of the Legislation Department of Aruba for his support in coordinating and representing Aruba in the meetings of the Steering groups of the CFATF.