Annual Influenza Vaccine campaign

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The annual influenza vaccination campaign has started. The Department of Public Health DVG urges those at higher risk of complications for the influenza virus to get their flu shot as soon as possible.

Those categorized as higher-risk include individuals who have a higher risk of getting bronchitis or pneumonia due to the flu. These include people suffering from chronic illness, respiratory illness, obesity, pregnancy, or autoimmune disease caused by cancer or HIV.

To receive the flu shot persons 60 years and older only have to present a valid AZV card. Those in the higher risk category and under the age of 60 should bring a doctor’s prescription and show a valid AZV card.

The flu vaccine is administered at one of the following locations and dates:

  • November 3 and 4 at Centro Curazon Santa Cruz between 9 am and 12 pm;
  • November 5 and 8 at Centro di Bario Brazil between 9 am and 12 pm;
  • November 9 and 10 at Centro di Bario Noord between 9 am and 12 pm.

Individuals who do not qualify as higher risk. but want the flu vaccine can purchase this exclusively at the office of the section of Infectious Diseases. You cannot buy the Flu vaccine at these vaccination locations. To get the flu vaccine, please call 5224239 or 522441 to schedule an appointment. The Flu vaccine costs Afl. 20,00, and you can only buy it with a debit card. Cash is not accepted.

For more information, please contact the Section of Infectious Diseases of the DVG at 5224239 or 5224241, during regular office hours from Monday to Friday between 7:45 am – 11:45 am and 1:15 pm – 4:15 pm.