AHATA thanks “Ban Lanta y Planta” on Earth Day

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On Earth Day, Aruba Hotel & Tourism Association made a donation to “Ban Lanta y Planta.” With this financial gesture, AHATA thanked all the volunteers dedicated to planting indigenous trees at different locations in Aruba.

CEO of AHATA, Tisa LaSorte, handed the donation to President of Ban Lanta y Planta, Ms. Anita Aerts and member of the committee, Sr. Roy Maduro, to further support their proyects and help highlight the necessity of planting and caring for trees.

Trees create oxygen, gives us shadows and make our Island beautiful. When someone plants a tree, the tree will help mitigate the damages that the same person causes to our environment, by daily consumptions.

AHATA hopes that Aruba keeps going forward in its efforts and proyects in order to further protect our environment and for all of us together plant and take care of our trees.