Acrobatic group RCC Aruba wins bronze at the Budapest Circus Festival

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Minister Xiomara Maduro and Minister Dangui Oduber, received the acrobatic group RCC for a brief encounter for the promotion they gave Aruba while abroad.

The acrobatic group RCC was on tour in Budapest, Hungary, from October to December 2021. In January 2022, RCC competed in the International Budapest Circus Festival, the world’s third-biggest international circus festival, and finished with the bronze medal. It is a momentous achievement since it is the very first time these acrobats have competed against top circus artists from big countries like Italy, Russia, Hungary, Spain, Ethiopia, Cuba, and Ukraine. In addition to the bronze medal, the RCC won a special prize. A renowned family in the circus world presented this award for the most admired group by the public. The RCC group received multiple offers from international circuses to perform. Their first tour for 2022 will start in July in England, where they will perform for three months in the Hippodrome Circus. In September 2023, they will participate in another International Circus Festival, and in October, they will resume their tour in Paris, France, with the Cirque d’Hiver Bouglione. The Cirque d’Hiver Bouglione was inaugurated by Prince Louis-NapolĂ©on, only child of Napoleon III Bonaparte. RCC Aruba represents Aruba during all their presentations and carries the name of Aruba with pride.

On behalf of the Government of Aruba, Ministers Maduro and Oduber thanked the young acrobats, Mr. Diego Emilio Garzon Sierra, Mr. Juan Camilo Aguillon, Mr. Jhon Freddys Badillo, Mr. Juan Felipe Marin Rios, and the directors Mr. Diego Jaramillo Ospina and Mrs. Yamila Hernandez Ramirez for their great efforts and for promoting Aruba.