9 Simple Practices How to Improve Your Well-Being Success

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Do you have a set of goals you want to achieve? May all your dreams come true and this year be even better than the last. Have you thought about what are you ready to do differently to gain the results that you desire? If things haven’t been working out the way you want, then it’s time for you to have a new perspective.

Now is the time to enjoy your life, doing what you love while reaching your goals. Take note when you are happy and what you’re working on that excites you. When you feel this way, it’s a strong sign for you to be doing more within this area. Then ask yourself why do you love it so much and are so productive. The answer may help you realize what you may need to change. Decide to focus on the things you are passionate about, even if it takes time for you to excel and master success.

“Success is creating a healthy, wealthy, balanced, fun, inspired lifestyle, living life with love, happiness, & inner peace.” ~Bonnie Gortler

Success is a journey that takes time.  Personal, as well as professional success, can be learned and achieved. It’s by acknowledging your limitations, being consistent and disciplined doing the work. Fortunately, you don’t have to do it alone. It’s ok to ask for support to be in the best position for success. There are plenty of resources and trained professionals who can be of assistance to you. Don’t overwhelm yourself with too high expectations. Be gentle. There are limits to how much you can do each day.

Create a manageable plan that will help you reach your goals. By taking small steps, that considers your well-being, you will increase your creativity, reduce stress, and have more productivity. You will begin experiencing the inner peace that comes when you focus on the positives instead of what is not working. By continually feeding your mind pleasant thoughts, you silence the destructive voices that get in the way of you reaching your goals. With practice and patience, you begin to stop focusing on those pessimistic thoughts.   Start today with a clear mindset and see how much more you enjoy life.

9 Simple Practices How to Improve Your Well-Being Success:

  1. Create one new positive habit as part of your daily routine today. By being consistent, then you will begin to feel natural, and your habit will become second nature.
  2. Surround yourself with people who you trust and support you.
  3. Create three goals that you want to achieve. Break them down into smaller goals doing one goal at a time. Enjoy the process and keep away from focusing on the outcome.
  4. Stop worrying about being perfect. Don’t avoid doing something that you want to do because you fear what others might think.  Act today, instead of saying I will do it tomorrow.
  5. Find ways to reduce your workload. Do less, not more. Write a list to do and a list you delegate to someone else.
  6. Create time for you and your family to have fun together for your overall health and well-being.
  7. Listen to what your body is telling you. If you are constantly tired, get more rest.  Slow down, regroup, so you energize your mind and body.
  8. Be kind to yourself. Understand mistakes will happen. They are the lessons that will make you stronger and help you achieve your dreams and goals.
  9. Respond instead of reacting if you are feeling irritated. Control your first impulsive reaction to answer right away. Count to 10 before you respond. If this doesn’t work, ask if you could get back to the person a little later.

Enjoy life without feeling stressed, irritated, or frustrated. Even the smallest change you make will bring you closer to success in achieving your goals and dreams. You don’t need to know all the answers in advance. Doing simple action steps, choosing what is essential, following your daily practices will lead you where you want to go. It all starts with you making the decision that you will create change. Embrace your journey, enjoying the process one step at a time, celebrating your successes along the way.

If you liked this article, you will love Bonnie’s Free eBook: Grow Your Wealth And Well-Being

About Bonnie Gortler:

Bonnie Gortler, the Wealth & Well-Being Coach, is a successful stock market expert who has been instrumental in managing multi-million-dollar client portfolios within a top-rated investment firm during her over 35-year corporate career.  As the author of “Journey to Wealth”, Bonnie has made it her mission to share the importance of risk management and how to enjoy true financial well-being by applying the technical and mental sides of investing. Bonnie has an M.B.A. in Business Administration and is a certified life coach. Visit BonnieGortler.com to learn more about investing, well-being, and personal development.