297 businesses complete 1st phase of Aruba Health & Happiness Code

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Last week, the Aruba Tourism Authority (A.T.A.) launched the Aruba Health & Happiness Code (HH Code) in collaboration with the Department of Public Health, the Ministry of Health, and key stakeholders in the tourism industry. A total of 297 businesses that correctly filled out the registration and checklist during the first week have successfully completed the first phase of the process and will receive their colored HH Code mark (a pre-check mark).

The businesses represent four sectors: accommodations, retail/shops/supermarkets, food & beverage, and food trucks. These businesses have received an email confirming first phase completion and will receive the HH Code mark; all businesses that have registered are urged to check that they have received the email (check junk e-mail, as some may have been filtered there).

Approved businesses can pick up their pre-check mark beginning this Friday, May 29th, at the main office of the A.T.A. (located adjacent to Talk of the Town Resort) during weekday office hours from 8:00 AM to noon and 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Businesses must present a copy of their email confirmation to receive the HH Code pre-check mark in sticker format. A digital version of the HH Code sticker will be sent via email.

The Department of Public Health will administer the second phase of the HH Code process, consisting of an on premise site inspection. These site inspections will occur without prior notice, as there are hundreds of businesses that are participating in the HH Code process. However, those that received the pre-check mark will be included in A.T.A. marketing efforts.

The A.T.A. would like to remind all businesses that the HH Code is a mandatory mark that each must obtain. Please keep in mind that the last day for companies to complete their registration and checklist is this Sunday, May 31st, at 5PM for the four sectors that have already been launched. In the near future, additional business sectors will be asked to participate in the HH Code process. For more information about the HH Code visit www.arubacovid19.org/ahhc or send an email to healthcode@aruba.com.