University of Aruba publishes it 2020 Annual Report

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The University of Aruba is pleased to present its certified Annual Report to the Minister of Education Dr. Armando Lampe. The President of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Herry Koolman, handed the Annual Report to the Minister last week Thursday, May 27 and thanked the University’s staff for their professional and hard work to complete all activities, including the audit on a timely manner enabling the University to submit the annual report as prescribed by law.

The Annual Report includes an overview of the past year’s most important developments, achievements and events as well as information on the research outputs and publications. The annual report also includes the financial statements and an independent auditor’s report. The year 2020 was an extraordinary year worldwide and delivered specific challenges to Aruba and its education institutions. It was also a year of accelerated innovations and digitization. The University invites everyone to visit her website and read more about these developments. The University of Aruba recognizes and endorses the importance of publishing its annual report and financial statements to promote transparency and alignment with good governance principles in Aruba and to continue building trust in public and semi-public institutions of Aruba. The 2020 report is available on the University’s website